Against the small or big thirst in between there are two vending machines at your disposal in passage 125/127 where you can buy non-alcoholic drinks and beer.

Every Thursday from 9pm the bar opens its doors for its residents, it is the ideal meeting place to meet new people or just enjoy a good night beer.

More information: Barteam
Washing machines and dryers
To use the washing machines in the dormitory, you will need special coins. These are available for 1 euro (per wash) from our laundry vendors or from the vending machine in the bicycle room (ground floor of house 125). If you want to use a washing machine, you must first book it at waschen.hawo.net. You can also find more information on the website and in the laundry room. The use of dryers is free of charge.
More information: Waschwart

As the name suggests, there is a TV in the TV room with which you can watch TV.
The TV room also hosts film evenings, during which more or less current films are shown
More information: TV-Raum

Bicycle workshop
If your bicycle has a plate or other defects, you can repair it in our bicycle repair shop.
More information: Fahrradwerkstatt